Tuesday, March 20, 2007

what impacts shape of a rain drop?

Designed by Po Yee and Qingchun, please click here.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

A Learning Object---Atmosphere of the Earth

We have finished our first Learning Object about atmosphere in one page ppt. During this task, Po Yee and I tried to select some multimedia tools to express our ideas. Besides Power POint, this time I have tried to use Picasa to put some pictures into the websites.

Friday, March 02, 2007

"Which Visual is the Best?" please click here

Images retrieved on March 2, 2007 from http://www.albertocairo.com/jomc/projects/index_projects.html

Which is the best design among these five images or your best favourite? Perhaps it will depend on the criterion and what is the aim for this design?
If it is design for children, perhaps, most children will be attracted by the third picture---the huge picture and background color. As children, they will not pay more attention to the text or abstract meaning beyond some diagrams and timelines.
If it is design for a biology class, perhaps it is necessary to show the structure inside of the giant squid. Then the second may be the most suitable.
In a word, interactive representations of information and knowledge in teaching and learning, visual teaching and learning, needs some strategies in different subjects and different ages of learners.