Monday, January 29, 2007

Pedagogical potential of folksonomy


Daniel said...

This is great topic! Do yuo have anything to write about Folksonomy. I would love to read what you think about it.

Qingchun Hu said...

Some advantages from folksonomy are:
•A closer look at the interaction between people.
•0rganizing and finding information (including tagging) in another way.

Perhaps, it is a new method to describe metadata or information. Folksonomy can work well for certain kinds of information because they offer a small reward for using one of the popular categories by users themselves. People who enjoy the social aspects of the system will gravitate to popular categories while still having the freedom to keep their own lists of tags.

Peer-interactions and information sharing influenced by learners’ positions in a given learning community network may be one of the many social mechanisms that have not investigated previously.(Hichang Cho, 2002). Perhaps folksonomy could be helpful toward this issue.

MELT (a Metadata Ecology for Learning and Teaching) is Content Enrichment project supported by the European Commission’s eContentplus Programme. In the plan of MELT from October 2006 to December 2008 , teachers will be provided with ‘folksonomy’ and ‘social tagging’ tools so that they can add their own metadata to MELT content they have used ("MELT: Metadata Ecology for Learning and Teaching," 2006). Here, the folksonomy is adopted to help teachers add their own metadata to resources they have used. At the same time, MELT will also examine how this ‘social tagging’ approach can be applied to educational content and evaluate to what extent this new metadata improves current content search and discovery methods.

However, some disadvantage form folksonomy include synonym, lack of precision etc..

So there are challenges form social marking in educational environment.

Daniel said...

I must look at MELT project. I am very interested to understand how folksonomy can be applied. Since you are interested in it, you might want to sign up in THIS collection. I started to maintain it in order to see how people use tags.