Tuesday, March 20, 2007

what impacts shape of a rain drop?

Designed by Po Yee and Qingchun, please click here.


Cheung Pui Man said...


Your presentation is very clear to mention the shape of raindrop. If you can design the shape of raindrop with animation, it will be better.

cck said...

It is interesting to see that your group presents a 'life cycle' of how a raindrop breaks into smaller drops. But I think your group may need more explanation about why the raindrops will get larger and then burst. Some legends should be added to help readers understand, e.g. what the arrows around the hamburger-shaped raindrop on the bottom left corner represent.

Qingchun Hu said...

Hi,Emily and Jaco,
Thank you for your good comments very much. Yes, to some extent,animation and more explanation will help readers to understand clearly.

Daniel said...

Qingchun, this is very good improvement in your work. I like how you attempted to present informaiton in diagramatical form. It would be great to start thinking a bit more about interactivity. Keep up with good work.

Anonymous said...


Your presentation is very detail in explaining which factors affects the rain drop size. The design is very attractive.

Mo Suk Ying

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