Saturday, May 26, 2007

Final project

This is the final project. Please, welcome to have a look. The above picture is one of scenes of this project.
URL of our group's final project:

The aim of this learning object is to facilitate children to learning English words through a rhythm.

General Descriptive Data of this Learning object:

Educational Level: Children in Kindergarten
Language of content: English
Subject area: English learning
Relationships to Other Courses: No Prerequisite courses
Descriptive keywords: spring, tree, bush, bee, grass, bird
Instructional Content: Text, Images, Sound, Animation
Rights: No Restrictions on Use
Life Cycle: Version 1.0

Main functions in this learning objetc:
1. Click the words in blue, the picture will pop up with the sound of words.
2. Listen to sentences when clicking yellow buttons.
3. Animation with "stop" & "play" button and background sound in the last scene.
4. Different scenes are browsed by previous and next button.

My work in this group project:
1. Produced and edited parts of the storyboard.
2. Recorded and edited the English words voice files and produced some ports of animation.
During our design process, one main problem we encounter was how to record the sound for English words. We searched for solutions on the internet until we found a software named AD Sound Recorder to be used to record sound.

Po Yee and I often discuss our design through e-mail and work together to finish and polish our project. From the initial storyboard to the final project, I enjoyed the design process with her.

Thank Dr. Daniel Churchill a lot and other classmates. They gave us some useful comments and suggestions towards our project.


YEUNG Kit Ping - My blog .... said...

A very easy-to-use representation. I like your narration in your presentation.

Two bugs in my view of point:
1. When I click the STOP button of the flying bird stage, only the bird stops but not also the background. And the button seems not work all the times.
2. The graphics on the first page seems to be under no control. I suppose they appear when I press the oval button (at the end of each sentence.

I wish you still have time to debug.

ICT Teacher said...

A good attempt to teach the ryhme to pre school students. I have the same comment to make the background animation is still playing, after the stop button is pressed.
It would be good to see the link of pictures remain on the screen when the rhyme is going on, instead of the pictures disappearing.
It was a good attempt to make this kind og package from your side.
