Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Final project

Our group final project is for kids to learn a rhythm. Although our recording equipment and effect are not enough good, we record the sound for english words by ourselves. In design for kids, it will be better to put interesting animation and sound. When I am doing this learning objects, it is a happy journey to design. Indeed, producing learning objects are time-consuming. Digital learning materials should be shared and exchanged.

A rhythm for kids.

Welcome your comments.


Laikin said...


Your final project had improved a lot. The bird was flying. The sound effect may be not so good. It was just a minor problem. The function keys were working. Hope to see the perfect design in next week.

ckl said...

The idea of your final project is interesting. I am sure it can attract the students' interest to learn. However I agree that the sound effort has to be impoved.

ICT Teacher said...

Your project on rhythym looks quite interesting for pre-school kids. If you can put some sounds and emphasise on the rhythym it will be great and also it will be a beneficial learning object.

Kavitha S.