Thursday, April 26, 2007

A prototype of assignment

Please, click here.
In the final product, we will add some buttons for users.


Ryan Yue said...

Oh, hotspot and hotspot.

you may also provide some reference links for the users in your product.

Ryan Yue

Qingchun Hu said...


Thank you for your comments very much.

In the final product, we will add some links for the users.

cck said...

I find that the hotspot and the scene 1 have same colour. Would it be better to use dark or brighter colour to make the hotspot area more outstanding and easier to be seen? Is it necessary to have a hotspot area showing the complete nursery rhyme as the sentences are scattered around different characters?


Anonymous said...

Hi, what a nice job!Just wondering if the poem have any sequence? If yes I think you should add some buttons/symbols to tell the orders!

Ronda said...

Your presentaiton is good. However, it is difficult to find the buttons in your project. You can create more attractive and colourful buttons. Meanwhile, it is better to create brighter colour to make the hotspot area more easier to read.

Good job!

Ms Dorothy Tsang said...

Dear Qingchun,

The background is colourful. It would be better if you provide the visit guide for the audience and insert the pronounciation of the nursery rhyme.
